Thursday, 24 May 2012

Relationship between Animals and Man

The relationship between man and animals seems to be as ancient as the existence of man itself. When we dig deep in history, we find several traces of this relationship .Even in the Stone Age, man and animals have always been coexisting and correlating some way or the other. The historical cave drawings done by the people of The Stone Age or the remains of ancient civilizations such as The Indus Valley Civilization  show vivid evidence of the vitality of animals in that time.
Animals have been of great use to man since the origin of times. They have been a great source of food, transportation, and labor.
Though, with the passage of time, animals were not only the source of such trivial things but also become a big part of our lives. They are frequently kept as pets and are trained to entertain people especially in circus, zoo or even the show business. Dogs, cats, parrots and pigeons are well known domestic pets. They are even kept for the sake of our protection.
They provide multiple advantages and in return are loved and given shelter by their owners.
With the awareness and increasing development of the society, various social groups are rising to protect animal rights and to secure them from the danger of extinction.
They are given tremendous importance even in various religious rituals all over the world. A lot many animals are even considered idols especially in Hinduism and Buddhism. Ancient Egypt also treated various animals as “sacred beings”.
Islam has also stressed upon treating them in the gentlest manner. Slaughtering them for even food is to be done in the least painful manner.
Animals are crucial for a man’s existence. We are dependent on them in every way possible and their extermination would eventually lead to ours.