Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Mobile phones - Boon or a curse

Mobile phones are one of the most important inventions, which nowadays used by just about every single person living around the globe. Since its invention, it became part of our daily life. With the help of mobile phones, people can keep in touch with each other no matter where they are. We can talk, text message, use internet, listen to songs or play games on it just to pass time. We can forget anything when we leave our homes but mobile phone is that one thing which we never forget to take with us no matter where we are going. Nowadays there are two different mind sets of people using mobile phones; some use mobile phones because they think of it as their need and just to contact each other but some just buy expensive mobile phones because they think that it’s a part of status symbol or just to show off. Some people use it just to make urgent calls but some just never stops calling or text messaging. Unnecessary usage of mobile phones can be very harmful, using night packages and staying late nights on call can be harmful for ear as well as brain. Unnecessary text messages can affect eyesight and sometimes user is so lost in text messages and calls that they do not notice their surroundings which causes road and car accidents. Well mobile phone is a curse or need, it depend on the person that how that particular person is using it. Everything is a blessing, if it is being used within limits otherwise it will become a never ending curse.    

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